WP Nav Menu Cache

wp-nav-menu-cache-590x300WP Nav Menu Cache plugin help you to make your WordPress dynamic navigation menu to a static menu. For each page visit WordPress run some MySQL query and complex PHP codes to generate navigation menu that you are using on front-end. Your menu content is not being changed until you change that manually. So why do you need to use your server resource on every page visit to generate a menu? This plugin saves your dynamic menus into some separate static HTML files. When you add, edit or remove any menu item using dashboard then this plugin update its cached files. When a menu is called from website front-end then this plugin stops WordPress to generate that newly and serve from the previous saved static file.This process reduces some MySQL query , saves your server resource and increases page speed.


  1. Exclude any theme location from caching you don’t want to cache any menu of.
  2. Exclude any menu you don’t want to cache.
  3. Choose whether this plugin will cache each menu individually for each post/page or any visited url.


How To Use
Just install and activate. It is a simple tool. Nothing to see on front-end. So no change will be appeared after installation. To see result see the usages of your server resource from your server control panel like cPanel. For advance user this plugin has a settings page. Go to the settings page from dashboard->setting->WP Nav Menu Cache. Choose your options and save those.

Settings Page

wp nav menu cache settings

1 Comment

  1. Hello oneTarek (or shall I call you Jahidul),
    I am using your Plugin “WP Nav Menu Cache” because my website https://bibelwelt.de has enormously big menues (with more than thousand entries), and your plugin helped to reduce the time of calling up the homepage.
    But since a time there is a big problem: If I try to call up an entry within a menue, sometimes the post will not show up correctly, but will show the complete cached navigation list on top of the post. When I deleted the nav-menu-cache, that will be changed for a time, but next day the same problem may occur again. It is not always, but very often, so I rather don’t know what to do, because I think, many people will give up calling my homepage, if there is no way to resolve this problem.
    Have you got an idea why this problem occurs and what to do about solving it?
    My homepage is just an private, not commercial one, and many months of work is in it – so I would be very thankful, if you could help me.
    Best regards


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