WordPress Security Checklist

wordpress securityHi, I am maintaining a lot of WordPress website everyday. Each time when I want to know that my sites are secure or not then I face some common problem to do that. I try to remember what I did for this before, I search through on my notes, I search on goggle. Every time I miss some important key point to check. I cry when  my server is hacked by some one and lost my data and files and I have no backup of those. Sometimes I have backup of my data but at a critical moment I can not find theme because my data/files are not organized in a proper way. I am wasting a lot of my valuable time to do this simple work.  Now I decided to make a list of tasks to keep my WordPress site secure and updated . From now I am following checklist to make me organized against my WordPress security. Schedule these tasks on a regular . My checklist is bellow.

WP Security Setup Checklist:

  • Install WP-DB Backup or Backup Buddy
  • Install Akismet or Bad Behavior
  • Install Login Lockdown
  • Limit Login Attempts
  • Install Wp Security Scan
  • Schedule Automated Website Backups
  • Take Inventory of Your Website Files – ALL Files

WP Security Maintenance Checklist:

  • Schedule these tasks on a regular, appropriate basis.
  • Back Up Manually Using cPanel
  • Check WP Security Scan
  • Manually Check Site Files
  • Change Passwords
  • Update Themes
  • Update WordPress
  • Update Plugins
  • Delete Inactive Users and WordPress Installations
  • Check for Fake ‘admin’ users
  • Check File Permission Settings

Critical Website Information Checklist:

Have this information handy and also keep it in a safe place!

  • WordPress Logins
  • Domain Registrar Login
  • Hosting Company Login
  • Email Logins & Settings
  • FTP Login Information
  • Google Accounts

Some Useful Books and Articles to Read

1 Comment

  1. This is a solid checklist! Thanks for sharing. You may also want to look into Wordfence. It’s a very powerful plugin that scans your site for malware, viruses, trojans, malicious links and more. There’s both a free and premium version.


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