WP Author Report

Are you an webmaster or owner of multiple websites with many authors? Are A lot of or some authors working with you to post new contents to your websites everyday? End of every month you are facing problem to evaluate your authors. Do you want to ranked up your website’s content developers? You must have to calculate , which writers are working regularly or not, For which author’s article your website is getting a lot of traffic, how many new contents are being added to your website daily/weekly/monthly basis, how is going your content development work flow?

I am in service as an web-developer at A.R. Communications a leading web development company with a lot of websites and authors. I faced above problems on my daily working way. We were facing problem to measure our content development flow. To solve these problem I got order from my boss to create a perfect solution for this. We planed for a author management system. And finally I made a WordPress plugin from this point. After using our plugin one year we decided to let others to use this. And finally we released today this plugin in wordpress.org with named “WP Author Report“. We released this plugin as free and we also released 4 different premium packages with different features. Premium packages have been released in our new WordPress plugin marketplace WPDeveloper.net

WP Author Report: The only productivity plugin for WordPress which will generate detail report how authors are working.

This plugin will prepare report about how authors are doing day by day basis. You could generate report for any specific time. Free version is limited for only one user, so it could generate report only for one user. Premium version is available at affordable costs and upgradeable directly from the free plugin control panel. All your setting will be intact. We created a unique platform to updating/upgrading automatically from outside of wordpress.org repository. No plugin maker did use this process ever. This is the first plugin from WPDeveloper.net project. All premium version is also auto upgrade supported like free plugin from WordPress Extended

1. Generates day by day report.
2. Pre-selected report shows today, last seven days, month to date or any specific dates.
3. Option to print report.
4. Could generate any specific author’s report.
5. Option to select “Week Start Day”
6. Could show detail report for a specific author, including post view(required to have “wp-post view” plugin installed)

Download “WP Author Report”

The best and first wordpress plugin for generating authors/writers/reporters’ stat


  1. I think it would be a great plugin for multibloggers sites . thanks for sharing


  2. nice and informative, i love it and please how did you put that twitter thing in the middle of the post.


    1. It is very easy to put any tweet in any wordPress post. It is a default functionality of wordpress to embed any tweet in the post content. Every tweet has an individual permalink. Just copy and paste a single tweet page link in your post. It will automatically show up the tweet detail like this post. Read detail about twitter-embeds


  3. Sound great but is it only reporting when they actually log ? or the number of posts done per day ?
    What about the detailled report for a specific author, I can’t see the snapshot on the plugin page.
    I’m looking for a plugin to track my authors productivity: both time spent on a day and number of posts they worked on. Because they can just log on and open few post then go away after 20 minutes and others can actually work 7 hours with the same stats, so the time spent will be an important information.


    1. This plugin shows posts count in a day,month,year or in specific time range. It does not track other activities of an user. Your idea is great. I will try to add your idea in a future version of this plugin.
      Thanks for your good suggestion.


      1. I need a plugin that tracks the time an editor spends actively into the site. Does your plugin support this? Can I pay for this feature?

        Some more details, it will let the Admin know how much time is Editors actually active and working on the site. Perhaps mouse movement can be used to detect activity. I’m not interested in the number of posts or comments, only active time. It will also be nice to have a report of what time the Editor starts and ends everyday work.


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