WordPress Plugins by oneTarek

I am an enthusiast of WordPress. I love to play with WordPress. I made many WordPress plugins for me, clients and my company. Here I include a list of some plugins only those were released for public.

My WordPress Plugins List

  1. WP Ad Guru
  2. WP Author Report
  3. WP Logs Book
  4. WP Scheduled Posts
  5. Twitter Cards Meta
  6. Disable Automatic Updates
  7. Windows 8 Pinned Tile Meta
  8. Titan Framework Icon
  9. WP Nav Menu Cache
  10. Facebook Secret Meta
  11. Alternate Mobile Tag
  12. Press Tab to Search
  13. Filter Page by Template
  14. Export Comment Author Emails
  15. Extensions For All In One SEO Pack

I Made WordPress Plugins for Clients as A Freelancer

  1. WP-TwitterAnalytics
  2. Insert or Embed Articulate Content into WordPress
  3. Click Jacker
  4. Link Cloaker
  5. wp-appointment
  6. Timer Bar
  7. Page Jacker
  8. Insert or Embed Adobe Captivate Content into WordPress
  9. Insert or Embed Adobe Presenter Content into WordPress

I made many more plugins those are not included here , those are for private use only

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